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stock analyst中文

用"stock analyst"造句"stock analyst" in a sentence"stock analyst"怎麼讀


  • 證券分析家


  • Our top management went to new york to speak to a group of a hundred key bankers and stock analysts .
  • Research on herding behaviors of stock analysts in china
  • A word about stock analysts : they are one of the most important constituencies of the viewing audience for a public company ' s financial statements
  • They realize the impact of competitor and government actions , and they understand the expectations of shareholders , stock analysts , and rating agencies
  • A centerpiece of any public offering is the prospectus , which is reviewed by the securities and exchange commission , stock analysts , and potential investors
  • There are also concerns over regulatory deficiencies , which have cast doubts on the credibility of market practitioners from auditors to stock analysts
  • Hp chief executive mark hurd declined to comment on wednesday when stock analysts asked him about the impact of dell ' s new strategy
  • " win card stock market analysis software " is a very good stock analysis software , the electronic stock analysts and the shares are very zhenjing characteristics
  • Management of a public company , on the other hand , must answer to hundreds or even thousands of shareholders and must be responsive to the questions of stock analysts
  • A local stock analyst remarked only twentysomethings like huang have such courage . huang and his financial advisers were quite puzzled to learn that there is no plan for zaobao . com to go public when everybody else is getting in
    當地一股票分析員對我笑指黃川說: “只有這樣20多歲的人才有如此的勇氣。 ”
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"stock analyst"造句  
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